B i o g r a p h y
My name is Doug Bardolph and I'm a musician located in the western suburbs of Chicago. I play acoustic guitar and sing, covering songs from the 60's to today. I also play bass in a couple of local bands; I play with the Remedy, a 6-piece band covering classic rock, country, and today's hits. I also play with the Broken Halos, a collection of musicians that adapts to the needs of your event; sometimes we're a 12-piece band that includes a horn section, other times we have a string section, and other times we're a 4-piece acoustic band. See the Broken Halos link on the home page. I've also been a long-time member of the Tonedeafs. See the video tab for more...
Previous bands I play, or have played with:
The Powwows
The Tonedeafs
The Broken Halos
Lisa Rene Band
Call Me Joe
The Stanleys
Finally, I was the worship leader at Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church in Elmhurst Illinois from October 2000 until August 20, 2023. It's a great church, check it out some time.